General Meeting – 11/18/2015

Market Update – by Linh C. Nguyen

  • Due to the upcoming festivities, giant retailers had strong sales in the U.S this week.
  • The Housing Market in the U.S fell 11% last month, reaching its lowest level since March.
  • Due to recent terrorist attacks from ISIS, all European Stock Markets opened low on Monday. However, at closing, the market flatted out before slightly increasing..

Porter’s Six Forces and Tesla – by Hunter Rendleman:

  • Porter’s Six Forces Model is a strategic business tool that helps businesses evaluate the competitiveness and attractiveness of a market.
  • We divided into six groups and each group focused on one force, discussed and presented Tesla’s current condition.
  • The portfolio team did not think Tesla was a bad stock, but it’s stock would not grow quickly so they decided not to buy it now.