OIG updates 2.22

As usual, we have OIG’s tradition: Club donation.

The first club is MUN. Same as last smester, they are planning t go to this semester’s MUN conference in New York. They are asking OIG for 200 dollars to cover their accommodation costs in New York. This two-day event will be held at New York city and they are trying to minimize the cost for each member to include as many members as possible. They already have 400 dollars from SGA and they are asking 200 dollars from OIG to make up the rest of cost. The total cost for accommodation is 600 dollars.

MUN club decided to cover the transportation costs, which is MegaBus with funding from SGA, and cover the delegation fees per person.

Next we have two clubs asking for funding to sponsor two on-campus performances. One is Pulso Latino. They are asking for funding for their annual culture show. They are planning to host a culture show in the Goodhart theatre. They will also order catering for special Latino food. They already have funding from SGA to cover the most cost of culture show. This additional funding that they are requesting will enable them to have better food at the show and attract more students to the show.

Another group asking for funding is Mujeres. Their club budget is tight because they missed the chance to get funding from SGA. This is a Latino affinity group. They are planning to have a dance workshop and a showcase. They are trying to get as much funding as possible as this is their biggest event this year.

Members had a discussion about the amount of funding for each club and studied their respective budget worksheets to figure out the actual amount needed.