OIG’s General Body Meeting- 09/11/2012

Welcome back OIG members!

The first OIG General Body Meeting took place on the 09/11/2012 in Taylor G. We had a great turnout. We welcomed new and returning members.

Andrea started off the meeting with introducing the new Executive board and all the members got to know a little bit about each other. She also discussed the agenda for OIG for the semester and year ahead. And discussed future plans and events (trips, panels, networking events).

We voted on the OIG Logo.

Alisha then did a ten-minute presentation on the meaning of Finance. She spoke about the importance of having a good knowledge of finance and important financial statements and financial instruments.

Wendy then took over with “Careers in Finance”.  She spoke of the main sectors of careers in finance and career opportunities and credentials.

Dingwei went ahead to talk about Personal Finance, giving tips about how to manage personal finance.

85 Broads and Bi-Co Business Clubs made an appearance at the meeting telling us what they were about and what their clubs do. We look forward to continuing our work with them.

Alisha then gave us an overview of the OIG’s portfolio, giving a classification of our stocks by sectors.  She also gave us an overview of the different stocks and growth of the portfolio.

Andrea closed up the meeting at 10:00pm.

Here’s to an amazing year for OIG!