OIG’s General Body Meeting- 09/25/2012

This week we had our 2012 Summer Internship Panel.

It started off at 9:00pm. We had a total of four panelists who shared their unique summer experiences while interning in various financial fields with Owl Investment Group members and the BMC community.

Vanessa Gonzalez interned at Mujeres 2000, a micro finance company in Argentina. Lise Wagnac interned at the Wealth Management Division of Morgan Stanley in Boston. Nkiru Anizoba interned at the Mergers and Acquisition Division of the Securities and Exchange Commission of Nigeria. Yolanda Yue Shao interned at the CIO’s trading desk of Bank of America.

They all discussed their process of internship searching and shared their unique experiences in their various workplaces during the summer. They also gave advice about making use of the many resources both online and in the Career Development Office.

They also took time to answer questions asked by the audience.

It was a very interactive, informative and enlightening session.

See you all next week!