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New OIG Executive Board for 2013-2014 Elected!
We are excited to congratulate and announce our NEW Executive Board for 2013-2014:
Dingwei Li
Portfolio Manager:
Bryce Lewis
Bank Treasurer:
Kathy Guo
Head of Publicity/ Donations Treasurer:
Yannan Li (Nancy)
Sarina Shrestha
Warmest Regards,
Owl Investment Group
Exc. Board 2012-2013
Deadline: Wednesday, April 10th, 5:00PM
OIG General Body Meeting (04/04/2013)
The meeting started at 9:00pm.
Andrea talked briefly about the elections for the next Executive Board. Don’t forget to fill out the form if you’re interested in running for a position on the board. Nominations close on Wed, April 10th at 5:30pm and elections will be held during the general body meeting on Thursday, April 11th.
Dingwei did the market update. Dell is going private through a leveraged buyout by Blackstone. The Blackstone Group L.P. (BX) will begin its analysis of Dell’s financial records starting on Monday as it moves forward with its buyout bid for the company. Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan will be revising the buyout.
Facebook will be releasing its HTC First Android phone, the first phone to come pre-loaded with Facebook’s new Home mobile home screen/launcher and AT&T will sell it exclusively for $99.99 starting April 12. The phone system is a modification of Google’s Android Operating System. The “First” is a nice comfortable device, especially for those who are looking for a hyper social experience.
Apple, on the other hand, is working on a less expensive iPhone that will probably come out in the second half of the year. The company is set to begin production this quarter. A less expensive iPhone will do good for Apple as it will cater to developing and lower income economies which other technology companies like Samsung and Nokia have been successful in doing already with their less expensive smart phones.
Kiki pitched a stock: DDD. SD Systems Corporation (DDD) is one of the biggest firms in the budding 3D printing industry. It is a profitable firm with a lot of capacity to grow. We will be looking into other companies in the 3D printing industry.
Alisha did a quick portfolio review. Cisco Sys Inc (CSCO), which we bought in 2007, has been doing poorly for a very long time. We decided to sell it.
The meeting ended at 10:00pm.
See you all next week!
OIG General Body Meeting (03/28/2013)
The meeting started at 9:00pm.
Andrea went over the guidelines for the upcoming elections. Each Board member talked about her respective duties and responsibilities. If you are interested in running for a position on the Executive Board for the 2013-2014 year sign up using this form: before the 10th of April, 2013 at 5:00pm. All active members of OIG who will be at Bryn Mawr for the entire academic year are encouraged to run for a position.
Dingwei did the weekly market update. The S&P 500 index set an all-time closing high today (03/28). It pushed to record territory during midmorning trading; closing at a value of 1,569. It joins the Dow in recovering from all financial losses. This increase is a show of faith in the Fed.
Amazon is set to acquire Goodreads, a book site.
President Michael Dell of Dell Inc. met with Blackstone this week and there is talk of a buyout. We will have to wait and see where this goes!
Alisha did the weekly portfolio review. She talked about Cyclacel which has some drugs in the pipeline and if successful would lead to an appreciation of its stock. She also talked about Apple (AAPL) which we believe is undervalued right now at a price of about $460. This is low for a firm with a lot of cash and very impressive sales. Apple has sold over 500 million iOS devices and 40% of those devices were sold last year. It has experienced impressive revenue growth in China. We believe Apple is still very much a good investment and will be holding on to it for now.
The meeting ended at 10:00pm.

Executive Board 2013-2014: Candidate Elections Form
OIG’s Executive Board invites you to run for an elected position.
Nominations are open from March 28th – April 10th, 2013, 5:00PM.
Please tell us more about why you are running by filling out the form below.
Election Guidelines
– You must be at Bryn Mawr for the entire upcoming academic year.
– You must complete the Google OIG E-Board candidate form below.
– You can run for multiple positions, and should be an active member. Past OIG members who were aboard this year are eligible to run.
– All candidates are asked to be present on voting day (April 11th, 2013, 9:00PM, Taylor G) and give a one min speech about why she is running. This can be something prepared (written if you want) in advance.
– All positions are open to rising freshmen, sophomores, and juniors.
– Holding multiple officers for one position is not encouraged.
– Factors taken into account for electing individuals includes, if the person has run for previous positions in the past (demonstrates interest), whether the person is an active member of the club, previous board or leadership experience, and general accountability & reliability.
OIG General Body Meeting (03/21/2013)
The meeting started at 9:00pm.
Andrea announced the upcoming elections for the Executive Board for next school year. Nominations will be open soon! She also talked about the upcoming Bryn Mawr at Work Series. We will be having speakers from China, Mexico and Indonesia. Do sign up as soon as possible if you are interested in attending because spaces are limited!
Dingwei did a market update. Apple has been upgraded by analysts and is doing better. This is good news for us as Apple makes up a very significant share of our portfolio. There was a Fed meeting yesterday in which Ben Bernanke announced that the Fed plans on keeping short term interest rates at near zero at least until unemployment falls to 6.5% or projected inflations gets above 2.5%. This policy change is aimed at encouraging businesses and consumers to invest and thus hasten an economic recovery.
Alisha did a portfolio review. She went over all the stocks we have in our portfolio and also reviewed their performances.
Bryce pitched a stock:TMF; a 20-year Treasury bill. We will be looking further into investing in this.
Andrea talked about 3-D printing industry which is another industry that we are looking to invest in. She also talked some 3-D printing companies such as 3D Systems Corp. (DDD) and Stratasys, Inc. (SSYS). The 3D printing industry is increasingly expanding and is expected to change the landscape of the manufacturing industry over the next decade.
The meeting ended at 10:00pm.
See you all next week. Same place, same time!
Bryn Mawr at Work Series: Exploring Careers in China
First Event: March 28th, 2013 – R.S.V.P. TODAY!
Exploring Careers in China:
Thursday, March 28th, 2013 – 10PM
Exploring Careers in Latin America: Mexico
Thursday, April 4th, 2013 – 11am
Exploring Careers in Indonesia
Thursday, April 18th, 2013, 4:00 pm in Park 243
No sign-up required.
OIG General Body Meeting (03/07/2012)
The meeting started with Wendy talking about the Global Investment Contest organized by The Chinese Finance Association and co-sponsored by Acme, Wall Street Multimedia and CSSA. Registration for competing is still open and you can register here if you’re interested
Andrea gave an update on our performance in the Adirondack Cup Competition.
Dingwei did a market update. The Dow Jones has reached a new-high and is currently about twice its 2009 value.
Andrea and Alisha did a review of our portfolio and also talked about the new stocks, Ellie Mae and Esterline Tech Corp., which we purchased recently which have been doing well since we purchased them. We also talked about a stock that Lise had pitched earlier, Michael Kors Holdings Limited. We looked into the company and reviewed its balance sheet for the previous year. The demand for these luxury goods has increased despite the recession.
The meeting ended at 10:00pm.